SIGMA and Algeria


SIGMA has been working with countries covered by the EU's European Neighbourhood Policy since June 2008. Work with Algeria was launched in April 2012. SIGMA and the Government of Algeria have launched their partnership through a project with the Directorate General for the Civil Service (Direction Générale de la Fonction Publique) and a project with the Court of Accounts (Cour des Comptes).

Directorate General for the Civil Service

SIGMA is working with the Directorate General for the Civil Service on improving the civil service’s legal administrative framework and on introducing a number of modern human resource management tools with a view to modernising personnel management. In particular, SIGMA will work with the Directorate on (i) preparing secondary legislation (for the 2006 Civil Service Law) in several areas such as recruitment, training and discipline, (ii) developing ways and means to implement legislation and mechanisms to monitor implementation, and (iii) developing policies and instruments to promote professionalism in the civil service, including at the local self-government level.

Key partner: Directorate General for the Civil Service

Court of Accounts

Algeria’s Court of Accounts has recently seen its role significantly modified by a new draft Organic Budget Law which makes it responsible for certifying government accounts and evaluating public policies. In order to deal with this new mandate and ensure it has the necessary institutional and professional capacities and skills to perform its future tasks, the Court aims to develop a strategic development approach. SIGMA will work with the Court on developing the methodology and tools needed to prepare this approach.

Key partner: Court of Accounts


For further information on SIGMA activities in Algeria please contact Bianca Breteche, Country Co-ordinator, or Françoise Drouillon, Project Co-ordinator.

Publications and Documents

  • European Neighbourhood Policy Reference Documents

EC's Strategy and Progress Reports

  • Translations of SIGMA Publications into Arabic

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Programme Administration Office (PAO)


Related Documents


SIGMA and GOV Publications in Arabic